The payee API is used to get or update payee information.Tipalti payee functions are payee specific and the call to the API web service includes the payee ID.
The payer API is used for payer administrative operations, such as processing and testing a payment file A CSV or TXT file that contains one or more payment orders/ instructions to Tipalti. It can be submitted via the Tipalti Hub or Tipalti's FTP path.. Tipalti payer functions either relate to multiple payees or to the payer configuration.

You need to use the Tipalti sandbox environment. The production environment is live and should not be used for testing.

To calculate the signature:
- Create an "authorization string" by concatenating the payer name, payee ID (for payee functions) and current UTC Coordinated Universal Time time in Unix format (i.e., seconds since 1/1/1970).
- Concatenate additional information per the web service definition (i.e., EAT Encryption Additional Terms).
For PayeePayable, the requested EAT is the amount. If the amount is 50, the above example would change to MyPayerNamePayee999122265707150.
- UTF8 encode the string.
- Encrypt with HMACSHA256.Use the master encryption key assigned to you by Tipalti.
Output key:

EAT parameters are concatenated to the authorization string as strings.
To convert EAT parameters to strings:
- String: Leave as is.
- Integer: Convert to string.
- Floating point: Round down, convert to integer, then to string.
- Date/ time: Convert to Unix time, then to string.
- Add date: 1/1/2015, convert to Unix time, then to string.
- Add time: 00:00, convert to Unix time, then to string.
- Character: Convert to string.

Use the payee API. Click here for a complete list of Tipalti’s payee API functions.

Use the payer API. Click here for a complete list of Tipalti’s payer API functions.

Click here to view a list of API error codes.