API error codes

The following table lists descriptions of error codes that may be returned when using Tipalti's API web service. When the API returns an error, it is accompanied by an explanation as to why the error occurred.

error code



-1 UnknownError An unknown error has occurred. Please submit a ticket to our Support Team.
0 OK The operation has completed successfully.
1001 UnknownCountryCode The country code provided in the call does not comply with ISO 3166 (see Country codes).
1002 CountryNotSupported The country in the request is not supported (e.g., a blocked OFAC country).
1003 UnknownState The state code provided in the call does not comply with ISO 3166 (see US state codes).
1004 PayerUnknown The payer name is unknown in Tipalti.
1005 PayeeUnknown The payee ID is unknown or the iFrame has not yet been called (i.e., the payee has not logged into the iFrame or Supplier Hub, which invokes the iFrame).
1006 EncryptionKeyFailedValidation The key has failed validation for the provided parameters (see Use encryption key).
1007 ParameterError A parameter value is missing or invalid. Please review all values in the call.
1009 StringContainsNonEBCDICCharacters
  • Address and bank information must contain valid EBCDIC characters
  • Valid EBCDIC values: Letters, numbers and special characters ^[\w\d\/\-\?\:\(\)\.\,\'\+ ]+$"
1010 PreferredEntityIsNotValid The value entered for the preferred payer entity is invalid (i.e., the payer does not have an entity with that name or the payer does not have a default entity defined). Please contact your Support Team.
1011 InvoiceRefCodeUnknown
  • The invoice reference code provided in the call does not exist in Tipalti. Please check the value entered.
  • The created invoice doesn't have bill lines created.
1012 InvoiceCannotBeCancelled The invoice cannot be canceled because it was already paid. You can download a Bill details report or call the GetPayeeInvoiceList API function to confirm the invoice was paid.
1013 UnknownCurrencyCode The currency code provided in the call does not comply with ISO 4217.
1014 InvalidJson JSON format is invalid.
1015 InvoiceValidationError An error occurred that prevented the invoice from being processed. Please check the parameters and associated values to ensure accuracy.
1016 ValidationError An error occurred that prevented the entire payment batch from being processed (e.g., deferred payment, unpayable payee, etc.).
1018 ValidationWarning The payment batch can still be processed, but there are some issues of which you need to be aware (e.g., a single payment order could not be paid).
1020 BillsModuleMustBeEnabled The Bills module must be enabled to update Tipalti with the values you included in the call or to retrieve the information you requested from Tipalti.
1021 StatusUpdateSuccessAndFieldFail Request processed partially. Status updated successfully, other fields were not updated. Please re-send a request with the other fields.
2001 FileNotFound The file was not found.
2002 CannotReadFile The payment file cannot be read. Please submit a ticket to our Support Team.
2003 CannotDeleteFile Since the payment file has already been processed, it cannot be deleted from the folder.
2004 CannotWriteFile The report has failed to save to the folder. Please submit a ticket to our Support Team.
3001 PaymentAmountTotalMismatch The amount in the payment file does not match the amount provided in the API call. Please ensure the values entered in the "Amount" field of the payment file equal the totalAmount entered in the API request.
3002 InvalidPayerIpAddress The payer IP address is invalid. Ensure the IP address is defined as an allowed IP source.
3003 EnahncedSecurityNotConfigured Dynamic encryption keys are not supported for the payer. Turn on the feature on the Administration > Integrations > API keys screen of the Tipalti Hub.
3004 SubPayerIsNotFound The subpayer does not exist in the Tipalti system. Please submit a ticket to our Support Team.
3005 SubPayerDoensNotSupportDynamicKey Dynamic encryption keys are not supported for the subpayer. Turn on the feature on the Administration > Integrations > API keys screen of the Tipalti Hub.
3006 PayerDoesntSupportInvoiceModule The action you are trying to perform cannot be completed because the payer does not support the Invoices module. To activate the Invoices module, please contact our Sales Team.
4001 CustomFieldDoesNotExist The custom field you are trying to update or delete does not exist. Ensure the custom field has been defined in Tipalti by checking the Administration > General > Custom fields screen of the Tipalti Hub (see Manage custom fields).
4002 DuplicateInvoiceRefCode The invoice reference code must be unique.
4003 PaidOrInProcessInvoiceCannotBeUpdated Paid or in-process invoices (i.e., invoices in the payment cycle) cannot be updated.
4005 AuthorizationError An authorization error has occurred (each encryption key has valid authorization levels—for example, you cannot use a read-only key to update information).
4006 InvoiceNotApprovedbyPayee The invoice has not been approved by the payee. You can send the payee a reminder email.
4007 PaymentAmountCannotBeNegative The payment amount cannot be a negative number. If you are using the Bills module, please apply vendor credit via the Tipalti Hub or digital bills file.
4008 RequestLimitReached The maximum request limit is 200 records per API call, as the system can only return a maximum of 200 records at a time. If you need information for more than 200 records, you must call the API multiple times.
5002 RequestDoesNotExist The system tried to process the request, but the request does not exist.
5003 RequestStillInProgress The system tried to retrieve a response for the request, but the request is still in progress.
5004 CustomFieldValueIsNotUnique The custom field type has been defined as "unique text" in Tipalti, yet the value you entered for the custom field is not unique.
5005 BillStatusIsNotSupported You have entered a bill status that is not supported for the relevant parameter of the API function. Please consult the valid values listed in the "Limitation" column for the API function.
5006 GLAccountAssignedToActiveBill The GL account has already been assigned to the active bill.
6001 CustomFieldValidationError The system has failed to validate the custom field update that you requested. Ensure the custom field value corresponds with Tipalti's rules.
7001 GlAccountValidationError The GL account could not be validated. Ensure the GL account has been defined in Tipalti and is linked to the appropriate payer entity, payee, bill, etc.
7002 APAccountNotFound The AP account is not associated with the payer entity. Submit a request to our Support Team to ensure AP accounts have been linked to your organization's entities.
8001 PaymentTermNotFound The payment term included in the call does not exist for the payer/ payee or does not match what is defined for the payer/ payee. Check the payer's payment terms on the Administration > Bill settings > Bill payment settings screen in the Tipalti Hub. Check the payee's payment terms directly on the payee record.
8002 CustomFieldInvalidDateFormat The date format for the custom field is invalid.
8003 PaymentTermValidationError The payment term cannot be saved in Tipalti (e.g., the term already exists, the format of the term is incorrect, etc.).
8004 TaxCodeValidationError The tax code cannot be saved in Tipalti (e.g., the payer entity you are trying to link to the tax code does not exist, etc.).