Function: CreateOrUpdateGrns
The CreateOrUpdateGrns function creates or updates GRN A goods received note (GRN) is an internal document that acts as proof of goods received to match against invoices and purchase orders. GRN, receipt, and receiving report are synonymous.. If you use a payee ID that does not exist in the system, a new payee will be created.
- EAT Encryption Additional Terms parameter: None
- API version: V13
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. In the request, you need to replace the data types in yellow with actual values.
SOAP 1.2: Request
POST /v13/payerfunctions.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<CreateOrUpdateGrns xmlns="">
SOAP 1.2: Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<CreateOrUpdateGrnsResponse xmlns="">
Request parameters
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
payerName | The name of the payer, as assigned by Tipalti |
Mandatory | string |
timestamp |
Current time (UTC) when the request is sent |
Unix time | Mandatory | double |
key | Encryption key | Mandatory | string | |
grns |
Mandatory | Array of TipaltiGrnItem |
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
ReceiptNumber | Receipt identifier | Mandatory | string | |
Status | Status of the GRN |
Optional | string |
ReceiptDate | Date and time the receipt was created | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | Mandatory | dateTime |
PayerEntity | Payer entity linked to this transaction |
Mandatory, if more than one payer entity has been defined in Tipalti | string |
Supplier | Unique payee identifier (the payee ID) (Idap) |
Optional | string |
ShipmentDate | Date and time the goods were shipped | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | Optional | dateTime |
Notes | Notes about the GRN (provided by the receipt creator) | Optional | string | |
ReceiptBy | Name of the person who created the receipt | Optional | string | |
PurchaseOrderNumber | An identifier for the purchase order | Mandatory | string | |
GrnLines |
Array of GoodsReceived NotificationLine |
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
InvoiceNumber | The number of the invoice | Max. length = 256 | Optional | string |
ItemCode | Code of the line item received | Optional | string | |
ItemDescription | Description of the line item received | Optional | string | |
ItemUnits | Units of measurement for the line item received (e.g., kilograms, pounds, etc.) | Optional | string | |
QuantityShipped | Quantity of the line item received | Max. of four decimal places | Mandatory | decimal |
LineNotes | Notes about the line item (provided by the receipt creator) | Optional | string | |
PoLineId |
Mandatory, if "verification of PO line IDs" has been enabled with Tipalti; otherwise, optional | string | |
ItemUnitsExternalId | The item's unit identifier in the payer's ERP | Optional | string |
Response parameters
element |
description |
data type |
CreateOrUpdateGrnsResult | Contains the response parameters | CreateOrUpdateGrnResult (extension of type TipaltiResponse) |
element |
description |
limitation |
data type |
errorMessage | A description of the error | See API error codes. | string |
errorCode | The status of the error | See API error codes. | string |
b | If the return code is Boolean, this parameter will carry the value. | boolean | |
i | If the return code is integer, this parameter will carry the value. | integer | |
d | If the return code is double, this parameter will carry the value. | double | |
s | If the return code is string, this parameter will carry the value. | string | |
GrnErrors |
Array of TipaltiGrnItemResult |
element |
description |
data type |
ErrorMessage | A description of the error | string |
Succeeded | Indicates if the GRN line was created or updated successfully | boolean |
ReceiptNumber | Receipt identifier | string |