Function: CreateOrUpdateInvoices

The CreateOrUpdateInvoices function creates or updates invoices. If you use a payee ID that does not exist in the system, a new payee will be created.

If you do not have a reference code, you can auto-generate one by excluding the InvoiceRefCode element in the request.

For bills management, bill financials (e.g., currency, amount, account) can only be updated if the current status of the bill is "PendingApReview" or "PendingApAction".

When using this API function, it is recommended that you don't send more than 200 bills in the request. If you need to create more than 200 bills, please create several requests.

The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. In the request, you need to replace the data types in yellow with actual values.

SOAP 1.2: Request

POST /payerfunctions.asmx HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""




<CreateOrUpdateInvoices xmlns="">











































































SOAP 1.2: Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""




<CreateOrUpdateInvoicesResponse xmlns="">












Request parameters





data type

payerName The name of the payer, as assigned by Tipalti
  • Max. length = 50
  • Value is case sensitive
Mandatory string

Current time (UTC) when the request is sent

Unix time Mandatory double
key Encryption key   Mandatory string
  • List of invoice items
  • Each invoice item is of type TipaltiInvoiceItemRequest.
  Mandatory Array of TipaltiInvoice






Data Type

Idap Unique payee identifier (the payee ID)
  • Max. length = 64
  • Valid characters:
    • Numbers
    • Letters
    • Commas
    • Periods
    • Underscores
    • Dashes
  • No spaces allowed
Mandatory string
  • The reference code for the invoice
  • To auto-generate a reference code, exclude the element in the request.
  • ASCII: max. length = 16 (Account Direction model: max. length = 15)
  • Valid special characters: hyphens, underscores
Optional to include the element, but if tags are included, a value is mandatory. Otherwise, an error is returned. string
InvoiceDate Invoice value date (estimated date and time the payee receives the funds) YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section Mandatory dateTime
InvoiceDueDate The date and time the invoice is due to be paid YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section
  • Optional, if payment terms have been defined in Tipalti (if a value is entered, Tipalti will not compute a bill due date)
  • Mandatory, if the NetNow feature is enabled for the payee
  • List of invoice lines
  • Each invoice line is of type InvoiceLine.
  Optional Array of InvoiceLine
Description A description of the invoice Max. length = 256 Optional string
CanApprove Indicates whether or not the payee is able to approve the invoice   Mandatory boolean
InvoiceInternalNotes Notes that are not displayed to the payee
  • Max. length = 256
  • Default = null
Optional string
  • If custom fields have been defined for the bill/ invoice entity, the values of these fields can be set here.
  • The field name must match the defined custom field name.
  • Default = null
  • Max. length = 140 for "free text" entries
  • Must be common across all lines of the same bill/ invoice
Optional Array of KeyValuePair
IsPaidManually If TRUE, the invoice is marked as paid manually   Mandatory boolean
IncomeType If the Tax Withholding module is enabled and there are multiple income types that can be associated with the payment, then you must enter the income type per payment.
  • See Income types.
  • Default = null
Mandatory, if more than one income type is enabled string





data type

Currency The currency of the invoice Length = 3 (per ISO 4217) Optional string
Amount Invoice line amount   Mandatory double
Description Description of the invoice line Max. length = 256 Optional string
InvoiceInternalNotes Notes that are not displayed to the payee
  • Max. length = 256
  • Default = null
Optional string
  • A message to attach to the payment
  • This message is sent to providers and appears on payee bank statements.
  • If no value is provided, the InvoiceRefCode is used.
  • Max. length = 160
  • Default = null
Optional string
  • A message to attach to the payment
  • This message is sent to providers and appears on payee bank statements.
  • If a value is not provided, the EWalletMessage is used.
  • Max. length = 160
  • Default = null
  • Supported for:
    • ACH
    • Check
    • Global ACH/Local bank transfer
    • Wire transfer
Optional string
  • If custom fields have been defined for the bill/ invoice line entity, the values of these fields can be set here.
  • The field name must match the defined custom field name.
  • Default = null
  • Max. length = 140 for "free text" entries
Optional Array of KeyValue




data type

Key Name of field Optional string
Value Value of field Optional string

Response parameters



data type

CreateOrUpdateInvoicesResult Contains the response parameters TipaltiResponse





data type

errorMessage A description of the error See API error codes. string
errorCode The status of the error See API error codes. string
b If the return code is Boolean, this parameter will carry the value.   boolean
i If the return code is integer, this parameter will carry the value.   integer
d If the return code is double, this parameter will carry the value.   double
s If the return code is string, this parameter will carry the value.   string