Function: CreateOrUpdateInvoices
The CreateOrUpdateInvoices function creates or updates invoices. If you use a payee ID that does not exist in the system, a new payee will be created.
If you do not have a reference code, you can auto-generate one by excluding the InvoiceRefCode element in the request.
For bills management, bill financials (e.g., currency, amount, account) can only be updated if the current status of the bill is "PendingApReview" or "PendingApAction".
When using this API function, it is recommended that you don't send more than 200 bills in the request. If you need to create more than 200 bills, please create several requests.
- EAT Encryption Additional Terms parameter: None
- API version: V1
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. In the request, you need to replace the data types in yellow with actual values.
SOAP 1.2: Request
POST /payerfunctions.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<CreateOrUpdateInvoices xmlns="">
SOAP 1.2: Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<CreateOrUpdateInvoicesResponse xmlns="">
Request parameters
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
payerName | The name of the payer, as assigned by Tipalti |
Mandatory | string |
timestamp |
Current time (UTC) when the request is sent |
Unix time | Mandatory | double |
key | Encryption key | Mandatory | string | |
invoices |
Mandatory | Array of TipaltiInvoice ItemRequest |
Element |
Description |
Limitation |
Mandatory? |
Data Type |
Idap | Unique payee identifier (the payee ID) |
Mandatory | string |
InvoiceRefCode |
Optional to include the element, but if tags are included, a value is mandatory. Otherwise, an error is returned. | string |
InvoiceDate | Invoice value date (estimated date and time the payee receives the funds) | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | Mandatory | dateTime |
InvoiceDueDate | The date and time the invoice is due to be paid | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section |
dateTime |
InvoiceLines |
Optional | Array of InvoiceLine | |
Description | A description of the invoice | Max. length = 256 | Optional | string |
CanApprove | Indicates whether or not the payee is able to approve the invoice | Mandatory | boolean | |
InvoiceInternalNotes | Notes that are not displayed to the payee |
Optional | string |
CustomFields |
Optional | Array of KeyValuePair |
IsPaidManually | If TRUE, the invoice is marked as paid manually | Mandatory | boolean | |
IncomeType | If the Tax Withholding module is enabled and there are multiple income types that can be associated with the payment, then you must enter the income type per payment. |
Mandatory, if more than one income type is enabled | string |
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
Currency | The currency of the invoice | Length = 3 (per ISO 4217) | Optional | string |
Amount | Invoice line amount | Mandatory | double | |
Description | Description of the invoice line | Max. length = 256 | Optional | string |
InvoiceInternalNotes | Notes that are not displayed to the payee |
Optional | string |
EWalletMessage |
Optional | string |
BankingMessage |
Optional | string |
CustomFields |
Optional | Array of KeyValue Pair |
Element |
description |
Mandatory? |
data type |
Key | Name of field | Optional | string |
Value | Value of field | Optional | string |
Response parameters
element |
description |
data type |
CreateOrUpdateInvoicesResult | Contains the response parameters | TipaltiResponse |
element |
description |
Limitation |
data type |
errorMessage | A description of the error | See API error codes. | string |
errorCode | The status of the error | See API error codes. | string |
b | If the return code is Boolean, this parameter will carry the value. | boolean | |
i | If the return code is integer, this parameter will carry the value. | integer | |
d | If the return code is double, this parameter will carry the value. | double | |
s | If the return code is string, this parameter will carry the value. | string |