Function: CreateOrUpdatePurchaseOrders
The CreateOrUpdatePurchaseOrders function creates or updates purchase orders. If you use a payee ID that does not exist in the system, a new payee will be created.
- EAT Encryption Additional Terms parameter: None
- API version: V4
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. In the request, you need to replace the data types in yellow with actual values.
SOAP 1.2: Request
POST /v4/payerfunctions.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<CreateOrUpdatePurchaseOrders xmlns="">
SOAP 1.2: Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<CreateOrUpdatePurchaseOrdersResponse xmlns="">
Request parameters
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
payerName | The name of the payer, as assigned by Tipalti |
Mandatory | string |
timestamp |
Current time (UTC) when the request is sent |
Unix time | Mandatory | double |
key | Encryption key | Mandatory | string | |
purchaseOrders |
Mandatory | Array of Tipalti Purchase OrderItem |
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
Idap | Unique payee identifier (the payee ID) |
Optional | string |
PurchaseOrderNumber | An identifier for the purchase order | Mandatory | string | |
Status | Status of the purchase order |
Optional | string |
Memo | Description of the purchase order | Mandatory | string | |
PurchaseOrderDate | Date and time the purchase order was created | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | Mandatory | dateTime |
PayerEntity | Payer entity linked to this transaction |
Mandatory, if more than one payer entity has been defined in Tipalti | string |
Currency | Currency of the vendor | Length = 3 (per ISO 4217) | Mandatory | string |
Approvers | List of bill approvers | Optional | Array of TipaltiInvoice Approver |
CustomFields |
Optional | Array of KeyValuePair |
PurchaseOrderLines |
Array of PurchaseOrder Line |
element |
Description |
Mandatory? |
Data Type |
Name | Name of bill approver | Optional | string |
Email address of bill approver | Optional | string | |
Order |
Optional | integer |
Element |
description |
Mandatory? |
data type |
Key | Name of field | Optional | string |
Value | Value of field | Optional | string |
Element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
Data type |
Item | Code for the purchase order line | Mandatory | string | |
Quantity | Quantity of the purchase order line | Max. of four decimal places | Mandatory | decimal |
Units | Units of measurement for the purchase order line (e.g., kilograms, pounds, etc.) | Optional | string | |
LineDescription | Description of the purchase order line | Optional | string | |
Rate | Price of a single line item | Max. of four decimal places | Mandatory | decimal |
Amount | Amount of the purchase order line (Rate × Quantity) | Max. of four decimal places | Mandatory | decimal |
DiscountValue | Value of the discount received from the vendor |
Optional | decimal |
NetValue | Net value of the purchase order line (i.e., the Amount including any discounts) | Max. of four decimal places | Optional | decimal |
Account | GL account external reference identifier | Mandatory, if more than one GL account has been defined in Tipalti | string | |
TaxAmount | Amount of tax (or VAT) calculated for the purchase order line | Max. of four decimal places | Optional | decimal |
CustomFields | If custom fields have been defined for the purchase order line entity, the values of these fields can be set here. |
Valid value types:
Optional | Array of KeyValuePair |
PoLineId |
Optional | string | |
LineType | The type of purchase order line | Valid values:
Mandatory | string |
BilledQuantity | Quantity billed for the purchase order line | Mandatory | decimal | |
BilledAmount | Amount billed for the purchase order line | Mandatory | decimal | |
AccountExternalID | An ID that uniquely identifies the GL account (e.g., in NetSuite, it is the "Internal ID") | Mandatory | string | |
ItemExternalID | An ID that uniquely identifies the purchase order line | Mandatory | string | |
IsClosed | If True, the PO line will not be used for matching | Mandatory | boolean | |
TaxCodeExternalId | The external ID of the relevant tax code for the PO line (refer to the CreateOrUpdateTaxCodes API where the external ID is used to create/ update tax codes) | Optional | string | |
UnitsExternalId |
The unit identifier in the payer's ERP |
Optional | string |
Response parameters
element |
description |
data type |
CreateOrUpdatePurchaseOrdersResult | Contains the response parameters | CreateOrUpdatePurchaseOrderResult (extension of type TipaltiResponse) |
element |
description |
Limitation |
data type |
errorMessage | A description of the error | See API error codes. | string |
errorCode | The status of the error | See API error codes. | string |
b | If the return code is Boolean, this parameter will carry the value. | boolean | |
i | If the return code is integer, this parameter will carry the value. | integer | |
d | If the return code is double, this parameter will carry the value. | double | |
s | If the return code is string, this parameter will carry the value. | string | |
PurchaseOrderErrors |
Array of TipaltiPurchase OrderItemResult |
element |
description |
data type |
ErrorMessage | A description of the error | string |
Succeeded | Indicates if the purchase order line was created or updated successfully | boolean |
PurchaseOrderNumber | An identifier for the purchase order | string |