Function: GetPayeeInvoicesListDetails
The GetPayeeInvoicesListDetails function returns invoice details for a list of payee invoices.
- EAT Encryption Additional Terms parameter: None
- API version: V8
The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. In the request, you need to replace the data types in yellow with actual values.
SOAP 1.2: Request
POST /v8/payerfunctions.asmx HTTP/1.1
ContentType: application/soap+xml; charset=utf8
ContentLength: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<GetPayeeInvoicesListDetails xmlns="">
SOAP 1.2: Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf8
ContentLength: length
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi=""
<GetPayeeInvoicesListDetailsResponse xmlns="">
Request parameters
element |
description |
limitation |
Mandatory? |
data type |
payerName | The name of the payer, as assigned by Tipalti |
Mandatory | string |
timestamp |
Current time (UTC) when the request is sent |
Unix time | Mandatory | double |
key | Encryption key | Mandatory | string | |
invoicesRefCodes | List of invoice reference codes | Max. request limit = 200 refcodes | Mandatory | Array of string |
element |
description |
limitation |
data type |
string | The reference code for the invoice |
string |
Response parameters
element |
description |
data type |
GetPayeeInvoicesList DetailsResult |
Contains the response parameters | TipaltiGetPayeeInvoicesList DetailsResponse (extension of type TipaltiResponse) |
element |
description |
Limitation |
data type |
errorMessage | A description of the error | See API error codes. | string |
errorCode | The status of the error | See API error codes. | string |
b | If the return code is Boolean, this parameter will carry the value. | boolean | |
i | If the return code is integer, this parameter will carry the value. | integer | |
d | If the return code is double, this parameter will carry the value. | double | |
s | If the return code is string, this parameter will carry the value. | string | |
InvoiceErrors |
Array of TipaltiInvoiceItemError | |
Invoices |
Max. records returned = 200 | Array of TipaltiInvoiceItemResponse |
The error 1011 "InvoiceRefCodeUnknown" is returned by the GetPayeeInvoicesListDetails Endpoint for any invoices that currently don't have any bill lines created for them (e.g., an invoice created in the Tipalti Hub before it was saved by the user)
element |
description |
data type |
ErrorMessage | A description of the error | See API error codes. | string |
ErrorCode | The status of the error | See API error codes. | string |
InvoiceRefCode | The reference code for the invoice |
string |
Element |
Description |
Limitation |
Data Type |
Idap | Unique payee identifier (the payee ID) |
string |
InvoiceRefCode | The reference code for the invoice |
string |
InvoiceDate | Invoice value date (estimated date and time the payee receives the funds) | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | dateTime |
InvoiceDueDate | The date and time the invoice is due to be paid | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | dateTime |
InvoiceLines |
Array of InvoiceLine | |
Description | A description of the invoice | Max. length = 256 | string |
CanApprove | Indicates whether or not the payee is able to approve the invoice | boolean | |
InvoiceInternalNotes | Notes that are not displayed to the payee |
string |
CustomFields | If custom fields have been defined for the bill/ invoice entity, the field name is the display name and the value is what was defined on the bill. |
Array of KeyValuePair |
IsPaidManually | If TRUE, the invoice is marked as paid manually | boolean | |
IncomeType | If the Tax Withholding module is enabled and there are multiple income types that can be associated with the payment, then you must enter the income type per payment. |
string |
InvoiceStatus | The status of the bill |
Valid values:
string |
Currency | The currency of the invoice | Length = 3 (per ISO 4217) | string |
Approvers | List of bill approvers | Array of TipaltiInvoiceApprover | |
InvoiceNumber | The number of the invoice | Max. length = 256 | string |
ApprovalDate | Date and time the invoice was approved for payment | YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss, where T indicates the start of the time section | dateTime |
PayerEntityName | The name of the payer entity linked to the invoice/ bill |
string |
AmountDue | Total amount due | double | |
VendorCredits | List of vendor credits applied to the payment |
Only returned after bills have been paid using one or more vendor credits |
Array of TipaltiVendorCredit |
APAccount | The GL account linked to the invoice | TipaltiGLAccount | |
PurchaseOrder MatchingCompleted |
Indicates if purchase order matching is complete for the linked purchase order | boolean |
element |
description |
limitation |
data type |
Currency | The currency of the invoice | Length = 3 (per ISO 4217) | string |
Amount | Invoice line amount | double | |
Description | Description of the invoice line | Max. length = 256 | string |
InvoiceInternalNotes | Notes that are not displayed to the payee |
string |
EWalletMessage |
string |
BankingMessage |
string |
CustomFields |
If custom fields have been defined for the bill/ invoice line entity, the field name is the display name and the value is what was defined on the bill line. |
Array of KeyValue Pair |
GLAccount | GL account linked to the invoice line | TipaltiGL Account |
LineType |
The type of invoice line:
Valid values:
string |
LineExternalMetadata |
string | |
Quantity |
decimal | |
BillLineID |
string | |
TaxCodeExternalId | The type of tax code and its rate—e.g., VAT-UK (20%) | string | |
TaxAmount |
decimal | |
RelatedPurchaseOrders |
Array of TipaltiRelated PurchaseOrder |
Element |
Description |
Data type |
PurchaseOrderNumber | An identifier for the purchase order | string |
ItemNumber | Code for the purchase order line | string |
Quantity | Quantity of the purchase order line | decimal |
Amount | Amount of the purchase order line | decimal |
ExternalLineId | The identifier of the purchase order line in your accounting system | string |
PoLineGlAccountExternalId | The GL account of the PO line linked to the invoice line | string |
Element |
description |
data type |
Key | Name of field | string |
Value | Value of field | string |
element |
Description |
Limitation |
Data Type |
Name | The name of the GL account | Max. length = 450 | string |
Number |
Max. length = 450 | string |
ExternalId | An ID that uniquely identifies the GL account (e.g., in NetSuite, it is the "Internal ID") | Max. length = 100 | string |
Description | A description of the GL account | Max. length = 450 | string |
MiscBox1099 |
Valid values for expense accounts:
Note: The values above apply to the "New IRS format (2020 and onwards)". Click here to see the "Old IRS format (pre-2020)". |
string |
Type | The type of GL account |
Valid values:
string |
Currency | The currency of the GL account | Length = 3 (per ISO 4217) | Optional |
element |
Description |
Data Type |
Name | Name of bill approver | string |
Email address of bill approver | string | |
Order |
integer |
element |
Description |
Data Type |
RefCode | The reference code for the vendor credit | string |
AppliedAmount | The amount of vendor credit applied to the bill | double |